Sunday 2 September 2012

Vintage Guild Weekend

This weekend I went to the Vintage Guild weekend to see all the fabulous stalls of handmade items, re purposed vintage goods jewellery and fashion - oh and food! LOL

I love the vintage stalls, so girlie and you always find something that you know, no-one else will have!

Thought I would share some of my experience of it with you...

 This is the Luminarium. It was really cool, with lots of little pods to sit in or lie down. Was like a maze inside!
This is the outside, so you can see just how big it was.

Here are a couple of pictures of the beautiful ornate rock tent which is my favourite, it was so beautiful...

 These amazing dresses were made out of wallpaper!! 

Pretty eh? They looked gorgeous in 'real life'. :-)
Also treated myself to some new vintage teacups. I fell in love with these so bought a couple!

and lastly, i've been working on some new Autumn themed jewellery, here's one I made recently

I hope you enjoyed a little look at my weekend? Hope you had a wonderful weekend too. If you would like to check out my online shop, here's a quick link for you...Lillyangel

See you soon! xxxx

Sunday 26 August 2012

Just a little about me...

Hi, my name is Janine and I have a small, handmade jewellery business I call Lillyangel Jewellery.

It's my own little escape plan from my full time job in an office. My dream is to one day leave the full time job in the office and swap it for a full time job creating jewellery and pretty things!

here are some things I've made recently...

 Above; Pink Fairy cuff

 Flamingo's in Paradise


and my favourite custom order ever, this tape measure cuff complete with pinstripe design!

I am really enjoying making cuffs at the minute... they're something everyone can enjoy!